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Processed Foods: Fruit and Vegetables | Herbs and Spices

Import Promotion Desk (IPD)

Cost- and risk-optimized sourcing from new markets

  • You want to import processed foods?
  • You are looking for high-quality products and reliable suppliers?
  • We support you in your sourcing - free of charge and neutral.
  • We connect you with suitable exporters. 

IPD - the initiative for import promotion in Germany - opens up new attractive supply sources in selected developing and emerging countries for European importers and arranges direct contact with carefully evaluated producers.

IPD enables exporters in partner countries to gain access to the European market and supports them in establishing sustainable trade relations. 

IPD fulfils a hinge function between small and medium-sized enterprises in selected emerging markets and developing countries on the one hand and European importers on the other. The objective is to integrate the partner countries into global trade, thereby contributing towards sustainable economic development in these countries.

IPD brings importers and exporters together as trading partners and aims to build sustainable business relationships.

IPD is currently active in 13 countries partner countries and focuses on specific product groups:

      IPD has been established and implemented by sequa gGmbH – the globally operating development organisation of German industry. It collaborates closely with the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA).

      IPD is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

      Get in touch with us.

      We connect you with reliable producers.


      IPD at LinkedIn

      Closed since 6 November 2020
      Organised by
      Participants 40
      Meetings 87
      Germany 12
      Colombia 5
      Netherlands 5
      Ecuador 3
      Egypt 3
      United Kingdom 3
      Ethiopia 2
      Denmark 2
      France 2
      Côte d'Ivoire 1
      Ghana 1
      Sri Lanka 1
      Tunisia 1
      Kyrgyzstan 1
      Spain 1
      Italy 1
      Poland 1
      Ireland 1
      Total 46